You are looking for something to change in your life but you don’t know exactly what, and you need help figuring it out. To add to the confusion, you don’t know how to choose to right helper. The choices are endless and overwhelming, and you are tempted to just give up and watch Netflix. I know this feeling.
The good news is you are several steps ahead because you’re insightful enough to know that you need some one outside of the traffic jam in your head, to be your ally and guide.
Life certainly can be confusing with its twists and turns, but I promise you, with thoughtful and intuitive guidance, you can start to relate to it as one big play in a field of rich and colorful experiences.
But how do you choose the right guide for you? In this age of doctors, healers, coaches, therapists, energy workers, and psychic guides, there are so many interesting modalities to choose from, how do you know which one is most effective for you? Sometimes it boils down to simple logistics-who takes your insurance and that’s that. Even in the case of insurance, I encourage you to research the practitioner and truly get a sense of him or her before you meet. It is such a sour disappointment to be in the midst of crisis and then walk into a practitioner’s office, bear your soul, and feel completely exposed afterwards because you feel zero connection.
What is the mark of a helpful guide? Well, the true answer is, resonance. If you have resonance with what you feel, sense, and read in the description of the person and what they do, then you likely share a connection which means they will be effective for you. Resonance is hard to package, you either feel it or you don’t so how do you know if you truly feel it? Usually you will notice a quickening of your heart or pulse, a perking up in your body, or sharpening in your focus as you read the bio and description. You will find yourself feeling curious to learn more and maybe even hopeful and inspired by the possibility of real change in your life. (Paying attention to these indicators for resonance is also a practice in cultivating deeper intuition about all relationships by the way).
Next, I would suggest setting a time to talk with them on the phone and be prepared with a few questions to ask about what you would like to work through, and how and why the guide’s approach can help you. Listen for words that pique your interest, notice if you feel a sense of relief or ease talking to them, and again observe your body and if it feels more relaxed after the conversation.
Remember, a good guide’s primary desire is to get you connected to the right support system even if it means seeing some one else. You want to work with some one who is not trying to sell their service to you but rather holding the space, with utmost sincerity, for you to inquire and explore. The goal, both yours and the therapist’s, is to guide you to feeling better.
The decision to seek support is a powerful one, it means you are at the turning point of evolving out of your stagnation and finding your way back to the essence of You. Take the decision seriously and I hope these tips help you find the right match for you.
All the best!